12th European Conference on

Software Maintenance and Reengineering


Athens, Greece

April 1-4, 2008

http://csmr2008.softlab.ntua.gr/ (European Mirror Site)
http://www.csmr2008.uwaterloo.ca/ (North American Mirror Site)





Home CSMR 2008


Latest News

Registration (NOW OPEN)

Accepted Workshops

Call for Participation (pdf)


Call for Papers and in (pdf)

Call for Workshop Sessions  and in (pdf)


Important Dates

Submission Instructions

Camera-Ready Submission  


Technical Program Schedule

Technical Program at a Glance

Social Program


Conference Location


Travel Information and Directions

Visa Requirements

Links about Athens Life


Conference Committees



Contact the CSMR 2008 Organizers




Accepted Workshops


The workshop sessions can be half day or full day sessions and are scheduled to be held on Tuesday April 1, 2008.

The list of accepted workshops is provided below. Please contact the organizers of the respective workshop on how to participate in the particular workshop. The detailed technical conference program can be found in this link. The workshop and conference registration will open soon.


Workshop 1 (Full Day Workshop)

SOAM 2008

Second International Workshop on SOA-Based Systems Maintenance and Evolution

Workshop 2 (Full Day Workshop)

SQM 2008

Second International Workshop on Software Quality and Maintainability

Workshop 3 (Half Day Workshop)

SASE 2008

First International Workshop on Self-Adaptive Software Engineering

Workshop 4 (Half Day Workshop)

Second International Workshop on Model-Driven Software Evolution


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