12th European Conference on

Software Maintenance and Reengineering


Athens, Greece

April 1-4, 2008

http://csmr2008.softlab.ntua.gr/ (European Mirror Site)
http://www.csmr2008.uwaterloo.ca/ (North American Mirror Site)





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Technical Program at a Glance

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Call for Papers and Proposals


This is a call for technical research papers, working session proposals, and tool demos to be considered for the upcoming 12th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Re-engineering (CSMR 2008) that will be held on April 1-4, 2008 in Athens, Greece.


The European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR) is the premier European conference on the theory and practice of maintenance and evolution of software systems. CSMR promotes discussion and interaction among researchers and practitioners about the development of maintainable systems, and the evolution, migration and reengineering of existing ones. CSMR 2008 will host up to ten research paper session tracks, up to four workshop session tracks, one industrial session track, tool demonstrations, and a doctoral symposium session track. CSMR 2008 will be held in Athens, Greece where participants will not only enjoy an exciting conference but will also have the opportunity to visit and explore one of the most vibrant European cities.  CSMR is supported by the Reengineering Forum. The proceedings of the papers will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press. Authors of best papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their paper to be considered (after and additional reviewing process) for publication in a CSMR special issue at the Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution.


Technical Papers: Papers must be of original work and are limited to 10 proceedings pages (approximately 6000 words). Details on the submission process will be posted soon. Technical papers can be submitted electronically at http://www.easychair.org/CSMR08/. Please refer to the Submission Instructions information for further details. .


Industrial Track Papers: Papers must discuss industrial practice and experience, describing problems (and their solutions) encountered in the evolution of huge industrial software applications and can be short papers (2 proceedings pages). Industrial track papers should be submitted by e-mail at the following address: csmr-satellite@informatik.uni-mainz.de


Doctoral Symposium Papers : The Doctoral Symposium track is for those who are currently working on or who have recently completed (i.e., since January 2007) their PhD thesis. The papers should be a 4-page summary of their research. Doctoral symposium papers should be submitted by e-mail at the following address: csmr-satellite@informatik.uni-mainz.de


Workshop Sessions: The Workshop Session proposals should be 2-3 pages long and should include the names and affiliations of the organizers, a description of the discussion topic, the intended audience, and the proposed format of the session. Once the proposal is accepted the organizers should submit a two page workshop session paper describing the nature of the workshop area, related work, and its anticipated impact. The workshop session paper will be part of the CSMR proceedings. Working session proposals should be submitted by e-mail at the following address: csmr-satellite@informatik.uni-mainz.de


Tool Demonstration Track Papers: Tool demonstration tack papers should be 2-3 pages long and should include information on the theory, models, and infrastructure of the demonstrated tool. Challenges related to the use and adoption of the demonstrated tool should also be included. Tool demonstration papers should be submitted by e-mail at the following address:



We invite technical papers, working sessions, and tool demonstrations on, but not limited to, the following topics:



Tools and methods for designing and implementing evolvable systems

Empirical studies in software re-engineering,

maintenance, and evolution

Software architecture evolution

Software maintenance and re-engineering  economics 

Model Driven and formal methods to support software evolution and maintenance

Evaluation and assessment of reverse engineering

and re-engineering tools

Techniques and models for software analysis and comprehension

Evolution of  object-oriented frameworks, component based and, network-centric software systems.

Experience reports on maintenance and re-engineering of large systems

Analysis and re-engineering of multi-language

multi-platform systems

Process models for software maintenance and evolution

Education related issues to evolution, maintenance

and re-engineering

Submission Format: Technical papers, working session proposals, and tool demonstration proposals should be submitted using the standard IEEE two column conference paper format using accordingly the following templates and macros:

1.      8.5" x 11" DOC,

2.      8.5" x 11" PDF,

3.      8.5" x 11" PS and

4.      LaTex Formatting Macros




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