12th European Conference on

Software Maintenance and Reengineering


Athens, Greece

April 1-4, 2008

http://csmr2008.softlab.ntua.gr/ (European Mirror Site)
http://www.csmr2008.uwaterloo.ca/ (North American Mirror Site)





Home CSMR 2008


Latest News

Registration (NOW OPEN)

Accepted Workshops

Call for Participation (pdf)


Call for Papers and in (pdf)

Call for Workshop Sessions  and in (pdf)


Important Dates

Submission Instructions

Camera-Ready Submission  


Technical Program Schedule

Technical Program at a Glance

Social Program


Conference Location


Travel Information and Directions

Visa Requirements

Links about Athens Life


Conference Committees



Contact the CSMR 2008 Organizers







Important Dates


Pleas note the early registration deadline

Early Registration Deadline: Friday March 21, 2008


We invite technical papers, working sessions, and tool demonstrations on, but not limited to, the following topics:


Tools and methods for designing and implementing evolvable systems

Empirical studies in software re-engineering,

maintenance, and evolution

Software architecture evolution

Software maintenance and re-engineering  economics 

Model Driven and formal methods to support software evolution and maintenance

Evaluation and assessment of reverse engineering

and re-engineering tools

Techniques and models for software analysis and comprehension

Evolution of  object-oriented frameworks, compo-

nent based and, network-centric software systems.

Experience reports on maintenance and re-engineering of large systems

Analysis and re-engineering of multi-language

multi-platform systems

Process models for software maintenance and evolution

Education related issues to evolution, maintenance

and re-engineering


Abstract submission: Friday October 19, 2007  (tentative but advised)
Full paper submission: Friday November 2, 2007 (firm date)

Doctoral symposium paper submission: Friday November 16, 2007
Industrial track paper submission: Friday November 16, 2007
Workshop proposals: Friday November 16, 2007
Tool session papers: Friday November 16, 2007

Acceptance notification: Tuesday December 18, 2007
Camera-ready papers due: Friday January 25, 2008 

Workshop Sessions Venue Date: Tuesday April 1, 2008
Main Conference Venue Dates: Wednesday April 2, 2008 – Friday April 4, 2008

Early Registration Deadline: Friday March 21, 2008


Authors of best papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their paper to be considered (after and additional reviewing process) for publication in a CSMR special issue at the Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution.



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